Assembly Commission



Conference Room 4B - Tŷ Hywel



Monday, 27 February 2017



12.30 - 13.50




Minutes:  AC(5)2017(2)




Commission Members:


Elin Jones AM (Chair)

Suzy Davies AM

Caroline Jones AM

Adam Price AM






Officials present:


Claire Clancy, Chief Executive & Clerk of the Assembly

Adrian Crompton, Director of Assembly Business

Non Gwilym, Head of Communications

Anna Daniel, Head of Strategic Transformation

Gwion Evans, Head of Presiding Officer's Private Office

Sulafa Thomas, Head of Commission and Member Support







Others in attendance:


Helena Feltham, Independent Adviser






1      Introduction




1.1  Introduction and apologies


Apologies were received from Joyce Watson AM.

Helena Feltham, Independent Advisor, was welcomed to the meeting.





1.2  Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.





1.3  Minutes of the previous meeting


The minutes of the meeting on 26 January were agreed.





2      Public engagement strategy


Commissioners considered a paper which set out a strategy to deliver the Assembly Commission’s public engagement strategic goal for the Fifth Assembly, ‘to engage with all of the people of Wales and champion the Assembly’. In particular it proposed frameworks for defining audiences and activities and for evaluating the work.


Commissioners discussed current engagement levels, and supported the drive to become more effective. They reflected on the huge dependence on digital engagement were concerned that some audiences could be excluded. They were keen that face to face interaction should continue to be a significant focus, as well as targeting materials to capture ‘the whole audience’ regardless of knowledge levels. was discussed, and Commissioners recognised the importance of the advice and recommendations that would be coming from the Digital Task Force later in the spring.


Commissioners had wide ranging discussions about ways that the democratic deficit in Wales could be addressed, including ways afforded by changes to technology and working with other organisations. The Llywydd also stated that there is an increased effort being made to establish relationships with academic institutions and organisations, such as the Learned Society.


Commissioners confirmed that they were supportive of the engagement strategy and that work plan reflected their engagement priorities.





3      MySenedd


Commissioners were provided with information about the MySenedd programme, which has been established to drive and deliver important elements of the Commission’s strategy.


Commissioners considered the overall aim of the programme and how it is developing. They discussed the underpinning need for data to be managed in a way that enables it to be usable. They also recognised that to deliver Assembly business services that are better placed to support the Assembly to be a world class, open, digital parliament will need culture change as well as technological change.


Commissioners supported the aims of the programme and the approach being taken to its delivery. They recognised that the MySenedd programme will be a key vehicle to help make the step change needed to deliver the Commission’s public engagement objectives and the recommendations of the Digital News and Information Taskforce.




4      Update on ACARAC meeting 6 February


The Assembly Commission Audit and Risk Assurance Committee met on 6 February. Commissioners were provided with an update.


Detail included the Committee’s satisfaction with the professional job being done on Internal Audit; cyber security and the work being done to strengthen this; the new finance system; and a ‘deep dive’ into issues around accommodation. ACARAC members had also participated in a special session with Roger Scully, considering issues relating to Brexit, the Wales Act and capacity of the Assembly.




5      Any other business


The Llywydd provided Commissioners with updates on work relating to a Youth Parliament and on the Expert Panel on Electoral Reform.




5.1  Youth Parliament update


The first youth parliament steering group meeting had been held on Monday 13 February. 


The next steps will be to consider how the youth parliament should work with the Assembly – in terms of its relationship with Members and committees, and around governance arrangements.


The intention is that a model for a draft constitution for a youth parliament can be consulted on after the Easter recess.




5.2  Pensions Board Membership


The Llywydd confirmed the change to the Commission nominated Pensions Board membership, moving from Suzy Davies to Joyce Watson. Commissioners were already aware on the change, and confirmation was given that the formal letter had been sent to the Remuneration board on 16 February.


